I work with a number of younger software engineers, so occasionally I’ll say something that demonstrates a sizeable generation gap. Usually it is because I’ve mentioned the lyrics of a song from the 80s, or some early 80s television show.
Improving Mac OS X: #7 – Ejecting Removable Media
In Mac OS X, the terms “ejecting” and “unmounting”, as they relate to removeable media, are considered interchangeable by most end users. Most people will talk about “ejecting” their USB flash drive, even though this doesn’t cause the drive to
iPhone Development: Not so “sweet”
This week at WWDC, Steve Jobs told Mac Developers that they were offering a “sweet” way to develop applications for the iPhone. Yes, he said “sweet”. Multiple times. Steve also told us this was an “Innovative new way” to develop
Improving Mac OS X: #6 – Copying Bundles
For those who don’t know, OS X has the concept of a “bundle”. A bundle is basically a folder that allows related resources (software code, graphics files, configuration information) to be grouped together. The most common example of bundles is
“iWoz” Book Review
I’ve been meaning to do a quick review on iWoz for a while now, having read the book back in December last year. iWoz is the autobiography of Steve “Woz” Wozniak. For those who don’t know who this is, Woz
Improving Mac OS X: #5 – International English
Mac OS X is quite probably the best operating system in the world when it comes to internationalisation. It comes complete with language settings from all over the world, with the ability to easily switch to another language depending on