A few weeks back I bought myself a Sony PS3 Bluetooth remote control for my PS3. For those wondering what this is, the PS3 is not just a games machine, it is also a media centre. In particular it is
I work with a number of younger software engineers, so occasionally I’ll say something that demonstrates a sizeable generation gap. Usually it is because I’ve mentioned the lyrics of a song from the 80s, or some early 80s television show.
Seeking Options
A friend working at a large Australian telecommunications company tells me that the company’s proxy blocks employees from viewing YouTube – yet the Seek website still works.
Microsoft Office
We have decided, at the company I work for, to use Macs for all our work. The developers were already Mac users, and with the ability to run Windows software when needed, we are slowly converting the boss to using
.Mac Reader and the iPhone
The other day I wrote about reader.mac.com – something that appeared to be an RSS feed reader web app from Apple for the iPhone. At that time it appeared the service was not yet live. James B contacted me with
iPhone Development: Apple may eat its own dog food after all
After I recently blogged about Apple not eating its own dog food, Apple may have decided they better do something before everyone else noticed. Check out reader.mac.com. If you go to the site without an iPhone, you’ll see a picture